Rage drove a 52-year-old man to behead his wife after an argument arose between the couple over the delay in morning tea.The gruesome incident took place in Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh on December 19.

According to police, when the accused Dharamveer asked for tea, the victim Sundari, 50, said it would take time, quickly escalating into an argument.

In a moment of wrath, Dharamveer took a sharp object and attacked her neck. Her screams alerted their four children who were sleeping in another room.

Sundari’s son Soldier said his father had frequent arguments with his mother over the consumption of liquor.

“I and my two sisters tried to save our mother, but my father threatened to kill us. That is why we left the place. My father Dharamveer while fleeing towards the sugarcane crop fields was brandishing the sword so that nobody could catch hold of him,” the Soldier said.