Madhya Pradesh civic officials razed the houses of four men accused of killing an ox in the Agar Malwa district on Monday, December 25.

The civic officials were forced to carry out the bulldozer action on the homes of the accused after Bajrang Dal and Vishwa Hindu Parishad members blocked a highway and protested for over 4 hours, pressing their demands.

Sonu Mansuri, Razzaq Khan, Rahul Gujjar and Durga Shankar Gujjar were arrested under IPC sections 429 and 34 along with section 11 of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act.

According to Deputy Superintendent of Police, Motilal Khushawa, the ox often ruined the crops of the Gujjar brothers causing them losses. The duo sought help from Sonu and Razzaq in dealing with the lurking animal. They caught hold of the ox on Sunday night, tied it to a tree and assaulted it, leading to its death.